The conclusions of Miami Dade medical examiner Dr. Bruce Hyma (pictured) are questioned by Shark Conspiracies Host Kevin Harris
The September, 2008, episode of Shark Conspiracies is now available for free download. Shark Conspiracies explores shark sightings and attacks in a new way, by exposing the cover-ups and misinformation sometimes generated from tourism and conservation interests. Shark Conspiracies claims to be both "pro shark" and "pro truth."
The September, 2008, episode of Shark Conspiracies examines two very recent shark incidents, one in Florida and one in Hawaii, that speak volumes about the tendency to misclassify shark attacks as other, more politically-correct activities. Shark Conspiracies host Kevin Harris makes the case that shark attack victims deserve better, while asking the question of whether Shark Conspiracies has made a difference in the arena of shark/human interactions.
The podcast runs 7:46 available to listen or to download for free at